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GENERAL assembly VI

Deliberating on the Criminal Accountability of UN Peacekeepers

The United Nations General Assembly is the main policy-making organ of the UN, where delegates representing all Member States discuss multilateral issues that pop up on the general international landscape.


Although the UN peacekeepers shed their blood, sweat and tears in maintaining global peace, the UN has not put in place a proper mechanism to hold the erratic and wrongful behaviour displayed by some peacekeepers accountable for the crimes committed overseas while on deployment. In the past, UN peacekeepers have committed war crimes in the form of genocide and sexual exploitation, and this has not stopped them from receiving a pat on the back and a shiny medal. Thus, should there be a proper international body having total jurisdiction over the UN peacekeepers, or is there another solution to this problem? It is up to the delegates to uphold the standards of peace the UN abides by and seek a satisfactory solution.

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